Our engineering support can assist in the design & maintain products to extremely close tolerances and precision. TSC Precision Machining specializes in machining tolerances of +/_ .00020” in all facets of machining such as CNC Milling, CNC Lathe and CNC Swiss Turning. The company's capabilities include the manufacturing of prototype and production components for Class II and Class III medical devices for development, testing, proof of concept, and clinical trials. With over 50 years of collaborative experience, we know how to make a product that fits your high standards and specifications.
We’re proactive in working with you.
Manufacturing floor fully integrated to PC’s for efficient, streamlined interlinking of CNC machines to expedite the importing and exporting of CNC programs
ISO: 9001-2008
Call TSC Precision at 714-542-3182 today to find out how you can get high quality products and components.